Bridge Public Affairs and our strategic partners have been integral to winning campaigns across the nation.

Over the years, navigating the “business” of political campaigns has become complex as ever: an endless parade of media wizards, polling gurus, micro-targeting experts, and consultants and vendors who will stop at nothing to separate you from the precious resources you need to actually communicate your message to voters. Over the years, we’ve seen and heard it all, and will help you separate “what’s real” from “the hype.”

We find one commonality of winning efforts is ensuring candidates offer voters a positive rationale for their candidacy, authenticity – and a reason to vote for them – not just a reason to vote against an opponent. Winning campaigns also understand that a strong message is integral to superior fundraising, and we offer the best, proven, long-term fundraising expertise in Tennessee. From campaign management, to messaging, to fundraising, to research and turning out your voters, we understand winning and have a track record of doing so.


Areas of Expertise

    Strategic political counsel

    Fundraising development, management, and counsel

    Data and research design and implementation

    Vendor management

    Political Action Committee (PAC) development, implementation, and maintenance

    Referendums and ballot initiatives

    Strategic communications counsel